Unicode 6.3 is slated to be released in 2013Q3. Now is your opportunity to comment on the contents of this release.
The text of the Unicode Standard Annexes (segmentation, normalization, identifiers, etc.) is open for comments and feedback, with proposed update versions posted at UAX Proposed Updates. Initially, the contents of these documents are unchanged: the one exception is UAX #9 (BIDI), which has major revisions in PRI232. Changes to the text will be rolled in over the next few months, with more significant changes being announced. Feedback is especially useful on the changes in the proposed updates, and should be submitted by mid-January for consideration at the Unicode Technical Committee meeting at the end of January.
A later announcement will be sent when the beta versions of the Unicode character properties for 6.3 are available for comment. The only characters planned for this release are a small number of bidi control characters connected with the changes to UAX #9.