![ICU Logo](http://www.unicode.org/announcements/ICU-logo.png)
ICU 72 adds technology preview implementations for person name formatting, as well as for a new version of message formatting based on a proposed draft Unicode specification.
ICU 72 and CLDR 42 are major releases, including a new version of Unicode and major locale data improvements.
ICU 72 updates to the time zone data version 2022b (2022-Aug) which is effectively the same as 2022c. Note that pre-1970 data for a number of time zones has been removed, as has been the case in the upstream tzdata release since 2021b.
For details, please see https://icu.unicode.org/download/72.
Please test this release candidate on your platforms and report bugs and regressions by Tuesday, 2022-Oct-18, via the icu-support mailing list, and/or please find/submit error reports.
Please do not use this release candidate in production.
The preliminary API reference documents are published on unicode-org.github.io/icu-docs/– follow the “Dev” links there.
Over 144,000 characters are available for adoption
to help the Unicode Consortium’s work on digitally disadvantaged languages